The ongoing pandemic has accelerated the process of digitization, as evidenced by the fact greater investment goes to communication network infrastructure around the world. As ODN is at the center of FTTH -- the cornerstone of communications networks, its construction mode is highly relevant to the cost of network construction, and will have a far-reaching impact on urban planning. The F. ODN pre-connection solution developed independently by YOFC is a pioneers in the plug-in ONE-CLICK unlocking solution in the industry. The solution can bring down the cost, improve the efficiency and make maintenance easier compared to traditional FTTH. Number speaks for themselves. This solution has been successfully delivered in South America, helping customers improve construction efficiency by 30% and lower OPEX (operating cost) by 80% through reduced fusion splices.
YOFC webinar takes “Focus on Connection Make a Better Future” as the theme this time to introduce the new solution. In the webinar industry experts will provide their insights into F.ODN, and you can gain a thorough understanding of YOFC’s F.ODN solution and its application.