Stock Code: 601869.SH / 06869.HK


Wudang Mountains Daming Peak Scenic Area Smart Tourism Project

  • 2020-09-28
  • 3061


In accordance with the overall intelligent tourism platform construction requirements for the Wudang Mountains Daming Peak Tourism Master Plan, the project is centered around "one center, two platforms", i.e. a data storage and processing center, a ticketing platform, and an integrated scenic area management platform. Using a map of the scenic as a basis, it displays and manages tourism resources in an integrated manner. It is also capable of promptly and precisely collecting, displaying, and reporting regular business data such as vehicle dynamics, environmental parameters, visitor density distribution, number of visitors in and out of the scenic area, and ticket sales. It also allows for comprehensive supervision and command functions such as information resource sharing, real-time monitoring retrieval, real-time feedback on on-site handling, remote supervision and management, and the precise marketing of tourism products.


Value for Client

  • Allows for the promotion of tourism in scenic areas and for featured tourism products. Strengthens both the exchange of information and interaction between scenic areas and tourists. Finally, improves the service efficiency and marketing abilities of scenic areas.
  • Through the construction of an online and offline integrated scenic area marketing system,, tourism product sales channels for the scenic area are expanded. In addition, overall management, statistical analysis, business decision-making, and other operational capabilities of the scenic area are improved. Achieves smart marketing of the scenic area.
  • Through the construction of multimedia tour information and site map facilities, tourism services for the scenic area are expanded, significantly enhancing tourists' travel experience and satisfaction.
  • Through the construction of service management systems and the integrated management platform for the scenic area, integrated supervision, management, commanding, and dispatching all based on a single map is made possible.
  • The construction of a "smart scenic area" helps the scenic area in being designated an AAAAA Scenic Area. It also enhanced the quality of the travel experience and the safety of the scenic area.
