Stock Code: 601869.SH / 06869.HK


Multi-core Fibre Connector
YOFC provides, in accordance with customer requirements, a full range of multi-core fibre connectors, from multi-core fibre LC connectors to high-density MPO co nnectors. With prefabricated high-precision LC connectors at both ends of the multi-core fibre jumper and prefabricated high-precision MPO connectors at both ends of the multi-core fibre trunk cable, multi-core fibres can be connected for wiring in data centers. The connector can be designed in accordance with the reality of customers to meet the requirements for precise w iring, so as to achieve the effective connection of high-performance and high-density fibre system.
  • Wiring inside the frame, cable connection between the wiring area and the equipment area
  • Infrastructure physical layer connection in data center
  • LAN cabling backbone systems
  • Backbone connection in building and campus
  • Low insertion loss, high return loss
  • Customizable trunk cable and jumper lengths
Application Example

Type Multi-core fibre LC Multi-core fibre MPO
Average Insertion Loss@1310 nm(dB) ≤ 0.15 ≤ 0.8
Maximum Insertion Loss@1310 nm(dB) ≤ 0.35 ≤ 1.5
Return Loss (dB) ≤ -50(UPC) ≤ -60(APC)


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