Stock Code: 601869.SH / 06869.HK


Multi-core Photonic Crystal Fibre
Supercontinuum generation (SCG) in photonic crystal fibre (PCF) has been a focus of optics and photonics, and high-power superconducting light sources are favored for their high spectral power density. Multi-core PCF can not only further increase the effective mode field area, but also alleviate the thermal stress problem of discrete distribution among cores , further increasing the saturation threshold of operating power gain. In the application of high-p ower fibre laser, it can effectively reduce the impact of nonlinear effects.
  • High-power supercontinuum light source
  • Highly nonlinear optics
  • Large mode field area
  • High nonlinearity
  • Pure silica material
Cross Section


Multi-core PCF can be customized in terms of the number of its cores and air-hole layers as well as core-to-core distance.

Optical Properties
Cut-off Wavelength (nm) < 1000
Attenuation @ 1064 nm (dB/km) < 6.0
Attenuation @ 1550 nm (dB/km) < 5.0
Physical Properties
Material Pure Silica
Core Diameter (7 Cores) (μm) 4.2 ± 1
Core-to-core Distance (μm) 7.1 ± 1
Cladding Diameter (μm) 125 ± 2
Coating Diameter (μm) 250 ± 10
Coating Material Acrylic Resin


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