Stock Code: 601869.SH / 06869.HK

Green Development

YOFC is committed to excellence in corporate citizenship and the provision of high-quality products and services to customers. It also channels great resources to conserving resources and reducing environmental damage, and incorporates the sustainable development concept in day-to-day production, operation and construction activities.
Focusing on Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction to Foster Green Development
By positioning "green development" as one of its important strategic directions for sustainable development, YOFC acts on the principles of "energy conservation and low carbon, science-based management, green and sustainable development" and sets near-term and long-term goals for energy conservation and carbon reduction.
Near-term carbon emission reduction goal: Strive to achieve a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions per RMB 10,000 of output value by 2028 compared to 2021.
Long-term carbon neutrality goal: Strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2055.
Being on track to meet the above goals, YOFC has put a green development management system centered on green, low-carbon, and environmental protection concepts in place, and chart this course with "green operations", "green factories", and "green products" as action routes.