Stock Code: 601869.SH / 06869.HK

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YOFC Awarded 2018 Prize for Science and Technology Progress in Integrated Cabling of Data Center by CDCC

Recently, the 2018 China Data Center Committee Summit organized by China Data Center Committee (CDCC) was held at China National Convention Center in Beijing. More than 2,000 leaders and experts from the Internet industry, finance industry, Internet data centers (IDC), carriers, and design institute


YOFC Enrolled in the First Batch of "Pilot Demonstration Projects for Integration Innovation and Application of Industrial Internet Platform"

In order to thoroughly implement the Guidelines on Deepening "Internet + Advanced Manufacturing" and Developing Industrial Internet, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has issued the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology


Zhuang Dan is Included in "30 Innovative Figures of Optics Valley in 30 Years"

The year 2018 marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of Optics Valley. After a month-long joint selection by Hubei Daily, Yangtze River Daily and the East Lake High-tech Development Zone Evaluation Advisory Panel, the influential figures - "Light of Optics Valley - 30 Innovative Figures of China


YOFC Wins 4 Prizes at ODC' 2018

On November 20, the 2018 China Optical Communication Development and Competitiveness Forum (ODC' 2018) & Awards Ceremony of the Top 10 Most Competitive Enterprises in China's Optical Communication Industry was held in Beijing. Theevent wasco-hosted by the Optical Communication Commission


YOFC Attended the CIOE

On September 5, the CIOE kicked off!  China International Optoelectronic Expo (CIOE) is a comprehensive exposition in the optoelectronic industry with great scale and influences. YOFC has attended the CIOE for many years. At the expo, YOFC’s exhibition stand has attracted a large numbe


Official Announcement! YOFC won the "European Quality Award 2018" and Became the First Award-winning Chinese Company

In the morning of October 19 (China Beijing Time), Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Joint Stock Limited Company (hereinafter referred to as "YOFC"; stock code: 601869.SH, 06869.HK) was granted the "EFQM Global Excellence Award 2018" by European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) at the award
