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The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: 4G Mobile phone users almost the half

According to economic business report issued by Monitoring and Coordination Department of the Ministry in July, the number of 4G users increased rapidly, which accounted for almost the half of the total users. Someone in the industry remarks that with the development of 4G networks and decreasing costs, the number of 4G users will continue to grow to be the mainstream in the market.

According to the statistics, at the end of July, the total number of domestic mobile phone users reached 1.304 billion with an increase of 33,070,000 users from January to July. The total number of 3G and 4G users reached 0.858 billion, accounting for 65.7% of mobile phone users with an increase of 0.151 billion users from January to July.

It is noteworthy that 2G and 3G users move to 4G users steadily with 0.646 billion totally, accounting for 49.5% of the mobile phone users. There was an increase of 0.216 billion users from January to July.

According to the reports of three telecommunication companies, in China Mobile, 4G users increased by 20,227,000 in July, 2016 with a total number of 0.448768 billion. In China Unicom, 4G users increased by 5,421,000 in July with a total number of 77,838,000. In China Telecom, 4G users increased by 5,730,000 in July with a total number of 95,830,000.

From the perspective of people in the industry, 4G users have entered a period of stable development because of the improvements in 4G networks among three telecommunication companies. With the network’s increasing coverage of cities and population, the 4G will become more and more popular. “Moreover, higher speed and lower cost will attract more 2G and 3G users to become 4G ones”, people remark.

This May, the 2016 plan of increasing the speed and lowering the cost among three telecommunication companies popped out. Among them, China Mobile mentioned that it would expand the coverage of its eight measures to exceed 0.3 billion users at the end of the year and lower the entry threshold of 4G package and voice message package. According to the data, under the influence of booming 4G users and decreasing data cost, mobile phone online users experience an unprecedented increase with a total number of 0.997 billion. The penetration of 4G in mobile phone users is 76.4%. Those users with wireless online card decrease to 15,520,000, a decrease of 5.1% than the same period of last year.

However, despite the 2016 plan, the telecommunication income is constant. According to the statistics, in July, three telecommunication companies completed a total business volume of 296.6 billion yuan, an increase of 52.7% from the same period of last year. The increasing speed improved by 25.3%. The business income was 102.3 billion yuan, an increase of 2.9% from the same period of last year. The increasing speed improved by 2.7%. From January to July, three telecommunication companies completed a total business volume of 1875.2 billion yuan, an increase of 48.5% from the same period of last year. The business income was 713.6 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2% from the same period of last year.

