Stock Code: 601869.SH / 06869.HK


LARMOR®YI Series Optical Fibre Coloring Ink
LARMOR®YI is our standard series of optical fibre inks. These inks are available in the following 17 colors: Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Grey, White, Red, Black, Yellow, Violet, Pink, Aqua, Transparent, Lime, Tan, Olive and Magenta. The YI series, with advantages of fast curing speed, small viscosity variation among different colors, good process adaptability, has been successfully used for fibre in ribbon application and in loose tube application.
Item Typical value Unit
Viscosity, 25°C 2400 mPa•s
Density, Liquid, 23°C 1.08 g•cm-3
Density, Cured, 23°C 1.16 g•cm-3
95% cure dose ≤1.0 J•cm-2
Elongation* 4.1 %
Tensile strength* 24.5 MPa
Modulus, 2.5% strain* 750 MPa

*Cured film thickness 75μm, test temperature at 23±2°C, humidity at 50±5%

Color (pantone)
Item Color L a b
YI000 Transparent - - -
YI001 Blue 24.1 - 49.1 -16.3 to -16.9 -55.2 to -27.3
YI002 Orange 43.5 - 67.6 26.2 - 51.2 21.3 - 52.7
YI003 Green 33.3 - 61.2 -51.5 to -29.9 6.9 -  31.9
YI004 Brown 20.9 - 44.0 -3.7 to 13.9 -6.2 to 12.8
YI005 Grey 33.2 - 63.8 -5.1 to 2.2 -8.7 to -0.5
YI006 White 83.2 - 100.4 -5.4 to 1.6 -5.0 to 4.6
YI007 Red 24.4 - 52.1 32.9 - 56.9 4.8 - 24.7
YI008 Black 10.5 - 33.3 -3.5 to 3.6 -4.2 to 3.1
YI009 Yellow 65.1 - 87.5 -4.2 to 20.1 35.2 - 81.7
YI010 Violet 33.5 - 65.5 9.2 - 25.8 -43.8 to -17.8
YI011 Pink 46.3 - 84.6 16.9 - 42.9 0.1 - 15.1
YI012 Aqua 42.8 - 77.0 -36.4 to -8.8 -32.5 to -6.8
YI013 Lime 52.8 - 85.0 -38.5 to -15.2 30.5 - 70.2
YI014 Tan 43.4 - 75.4 -9.5 to 20.2 1.2 - 27.5
YI015 Olive 25.9 - 60.0 -32.5 to 13.9 -2.1 to 42.5
YI016 Magenta 24.4 - 60.1 10.1 - 38.2 -14.6 to15.8



Storage Condition

LARMOR®YI series is a light curable material; protect this product from all sources of ultraviolet light, including fluorescent lighting and sunlight to prevent premature curing. It is recommended that this coating be stored in a dry place in unopened, undamaged, original containers at temperatures between 15° C and 30° C. Storage or shipment in cold conditions may result in a phase separation which is reversible and is corrected by heating for 24 hours at 50° C. If possible, the container should be gently rolled to assure uniform dissolution during this heating process.

Shelf Life

LARMOR®YI series has a recommended shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that the above stated storage conditions are properly maintained.

Safety Information

This product may cause skin and/or eye irritation and skin sensitization. Material safety data sheet for all products also available from your Polytech sales representative. All safety and handling recommendations should be followed carefully.


LARMOR®YI series is manufactured using fine filtration techniques designed to eliminate fibre strength problems and ensure uniform product performance.

Viscosity-temperature Curve

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